Friday, October 21, 2011

Education and Public Health should be with State

History again and again teaches us that no class or clan or group of people can claim to be repository to all knowledge or epitomes of all virtue. If any one tries to propagate otherwise, either he is being foolish or wants others to be so.

The greatest of humans from Socrates to Ramana Maharshi maintained in speech and deed that they are lowly of the lowest and if they were part of the whole, so are all others too, the differences being only in the level of understanding.

Yet, again and again, as individuals or as groups or sects, we try to slap on our own backs, in the name of heritage, clan, cast, up-bringing, education or wealth. the most notorious claim being in the name of ones intellectual prows. The successful have deceived others and themselves alike. Those who fail have fallen to despair.

Such block headedness is the worst when it manifests in educationists or men of medicine. For, in the case of the former, young helpless minds are at the receiving end, while in the case of the later, it is the helpless and hapless patients, in distress or at the threshold of death who are the victims.

It is therefore very important that any sane society should put these activities in the hands of a collective body which will be above parochial feelings and identities.

In the available dispensation, only a democratically elected government is in such a position. Not that one who is elected is supreme. But he or she can also be negated the next time in the face of misbehaviour. There will atleast be a social check.

Thus, it is the duty of the Government to take over education and public health in its entirety. Any provisions for variations and choice could be within the domain of full state control and should not be left to the whims and fancies of any individual or groups, whatever may be their tall claims of charitable intentions.

This a fundamental requirement in a constitutional democracy.

1 comment:

  1. I congratulate the persons instrumental in creating this blog . It is the need of the hour, especially, when education is considered as a profit making commodity by various schools and colleges. May this blogspot get more followers.


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