Sunday, October 30, 2011

A challenge thrown to the Federation of Private School managements

     In response to the issues raised by this forum, it appears that School Managements had stated that we are generalizing issues in respect of non functioning of PTA in many of the schools and wherever it is said to be functioning, it is run democratically.  (Report in The Hindu dated 31.10.11)
          In this regard, we would like to challenge the Managements to prove their statement by producing a bye-law of PTA in any of the private schools in this city where the PTA is formed and run democratically. Democratic standards include: specific provisions for filing of nominations, voting and secret ballot. Such a body should have access to the accounts of the schools based on which periodic decisions are taken in minuted meetings.  If on cross checking with the parents of such a school it is found that it is true, we will be very glad to carry the name of that school on this blog in appreciation of their truthfulness. And we will recommend to other schools that this example should be followed. Failure to take this challenge will mean acknowledgement of our statement as factually correct.
          The education department which is supposed to look into this should enforce this fundamental requirement. 
Today’s Deccan Chronicle carries a story highlighting how old age homes take the inmates for a ride without producing accounts, but keeping on demanding money from them even when there is a surplus. These are all instances of how the Constitutional guarantee against exploitation is not being honoured in practice. If a society fails to respond to such abject corruption, it is bound to decay.  Circuitous mechanisms for redressal would either lead to furtherance of the sense of despondency and resignation or lead to violent reaction, neither of which will be in social interest.
          Today’s The New Indian Express also carries the anguish felt by anti-corruption movement against corruption in various strata of the society, including violation of building and safety norms by educational institutions who have also been cited as evading taxes by terming themselves as charitable institutions. (Ref: Letter of Shri. N.K.Velu, Secretary of Anti-Corruption Movement, Coimbatore)
          The society has its moorings in the educational system.  Unless corruption is rooted out there, the society cannot look forward to a great future.

1 comment:

  1. yes corruption is there every a first step people should self analyse and look within, how corrupt they are ( when they want to get things done quickly and they don't have legal requirement)... many of us don't do that...

    I congratulate this forum members for their initiative.


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