Some management representatives had earlier threatened to call in the police and register 'tress-pass' complaint against Parents, who will dare to question them in the school campus. The first instance has already happened at Chinmaya Vidhyalaya, Vadavalli, today (14.3.2012) morning. The school had compelled 5 parents of students of 11th standard to pay up the fees arbitrarily and exorbitantly fixed by the school. Otherwise they were threatened that the children will not be allowed to take the 11th exams scheduled to begin today. When the representatives of the SWAP of that school went to meet the Principal, the school insisted on the payment and issued the same threat. When the representatives told the school authorities of the directive of the District Collector in the matter, they are reported to have stated that the District Collector had in fact asked them to collect fees as they deemed fit. The police was summoned and action was sought to be taken against the parents. On being contacted, we have advised them to send the children for the exam and if they are not allowed to take the exams, then we will take action on the same. We can imagine what a respect the children will have for such institutions which harass them even at the eleventh hour before final exams!
SWAP representatives of all schools are hereby advised to desist discussing the issues with the managements since they have shown their real colours. Let us take it up legally with concerned authorities.
Please keep us and the PRESS informed about any violations to rights of Children particularly.
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